Ghiduri pentru înțelegerea mai în profunzime a Marii Resetări

Nina Simone – Sinnerman

Un cantec fabulos, pentru zile pierdute, despre lucrurile cu adevarat importante. Ascultandu-l mi-am amintit de pasajul care istoriseste intrarea triumfala a Domnului in Ierusalim (Floriile). Multimile Il aclama si Ii proclama natura divina, slavindu-L. Fariseii vad in aceasta reactie doar suprafata lucrurilor, adica dimensiunea politica, potentialul “revolutionar” al situatiei si Ii cer sa isi tempereze adeptii. Este momentul in care Mantuitorul da definitia marturisirii Adevarului ca necesitate (chiar ontologica):

“Daca vor tacea acestia, pietrele vor striga!”

(Luca 19.40)

Sinnerman where you gonna run to
Sinnerman where you gonna run to
Where you gunna run to
All on that day

Well I run to the rock,
Please hide me, I run to the rock
Please hide me, I run to the rock
Please hide, me Lord
All on that day

But the rock cried out
“I can’t hide you” the rock cried out
“I cant hide you” the rock cried out
I ain’t gonna hide you, God
All on that day

I said rock: “What’s the matter with you, rock,
Don’t you see I need you, rock,
Don’t let down”
All on that day

So I run to the river
It was bleeding, I run to the sea,
It was bleeding, I run to the sea,
It was bleeding, all on that day,

So I run to the river, it was boiling
I run to the sea, it was boiling
I run to the sea, it was boiling
All on that day

So I run to the Lord:
“Please help me, Lord,
Don’t You see me praying,
Don’t You see me down here praying?”

But the Lord said:
“Go to the Devil,”
The Lord said,
“Go to the Devil,”
He said, “Go to the Devil,”
All on that day

So I ran to the Devil,
He was waiting,
I ran to the Devil, he was waiting,
I ran to the Devil, he was waiting,
All on that day

Oh yeah

Oh I run to the river,
It was boiling, I run to the sea,
It was boiling, I run to the sea,
It was boiling, all on that day

So I ran to the Lord
I said: “Lord, hide me,
Please, hide me,
Please, help me”
All on that day

Said: “God, where were you
When you are ought to be praying?”

“Lord, Lord, hear me praying,
Lord, Lord, hear me praying,
Lord, Lord, hear me praying,”
All on that day

“Sinnerman, you ought to be praying,
Ought to be praying, sinnerman,
Ought to be praying, all on that day”
January 17th, 2008
Mai multe despre: Muzica
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