ATWA e prescurtarea de la Air, Trees, Water & Annimals folosita de psihopatul Charles Manson ca parte a doctrinei sale care imbina intr-un mod aberant idei din filosofia hippie, terorismul ecologist, anarhism si alte manifestari ale extremei stangi. Miscarea sectara a lui Manson, formata in special din femei si cunoscuta ca “Familia”, a produs o serie de crime a caror atrocitate au facut din Charles Manson cel mai cunoscut asasin din istoria Statelor Unite. Daca Manson a preluat elemente din cultura hippie, cum ar fi sintagma Helter Skelter (“talmes-balmes”), titlul unei melodii Beatles, scris cu sange pe peretii locuintei uneia dintre victime, la randul lui, asasinul a devenit obiectul unei fascinatii morbide in randul vedetelor pop, de la Marylin Manson, care i-a imprumutat chiar numele, la Guns ‘n’ Roses, care au facut cover-uri dupa cantece inregistrate de el.
Hey you, see me, pictures crazy
All the world I’ve seen before me passing by
I’ve got nothing, to gain, to lose
All the world I’ve seen before me passing by
You don’t care about how I feel
I don’t feel it any more
You don’t care about how I feel
I don’t feel it any more
You dont care about how I feel
I don’t feel it any more
You don’t care about how I feel
I don’t feel it any more
Hey you, are me, not so pretty
All the world I’ve seen before me passing by
Silent my voice, I’ve got no choice
All the world I’ve seen before me passing by
You don’t care about how I feel
I don’t feel it any more
You don’t care about how I feel
I don’t feel it any more
You don’t care about how I feel
I don’t feel it any more
You don’t care about how I feel
I don’t feel it any more
I don’t see, anymore
I don’t hear, anymore
I don’t speak, anymore
I don’t feel
Hey you, see me, pictures crazy
All the world I’ve seen before me passing by
I’ve got nothing, to gain, to lose
All the world I’ve seen before me passing by
You don’t care about how I feel
I don’t feel it any more
You don’t care about how I feel
I don’t feel it any more
You don’t care about how I feel
I don’t feel it any more
You don’t care about how I feel
I don’t feel it any more
I don’t sleep, anymore
I don’t eat, anymore
I don’t live, anymore
I don’t feel.