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Pinocchio – I’ve Got No Strings! (Dickie Jones)

I’ve got no strings
To hold me down
To make me fret, or make me frown
I had strings
But now I’m free
There are no strings on me

Hi-ho the me-ri-o
That’s the only way to be
I want the world to know
Nothing ever worries me

I’ve got no strings
So I have fun
I’m not tied up to anyone
They’ve got strings
But you can see
There are no strings on me

You have no strings
Your arms is free
To love me by the Zuider Zee
Ya, ya, ya
If you would woo
I’d bust my strings for you

You’ve got no strings
Comme ci comme ca
Your savoire-faire is ooh la la!
I’ve got strings
But entre nous
I’d cut my strings for you

Down where the Volga flows
There’s a Russian rendezvous
Where me and Ivan go
But I’d rather go with you, hey!

There are no strings on me!
July 31st, 2008
Mai multe despre: Muzica
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