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Jimi Hendrix – Voodoo Chile, Slight Return

Well, I’m a voodoo chile
Lord I’m a voodoo chile

Well, the night I was born
Lord, I swear the moon turned a fire red
The night I was born
I swear the moon turned a fire red
Well my poor mother cried out Lord, the gypsy was right!
And I seen her fell down right dead

Well, mountain lions found me there waitin’
And set me on a eagles back
Well, mountain lions found me there,
And set me on a eagles wing
It’s the eagles wing, baby, what did I say?
He took me past to the outskirts of infinity,
And when he brought me back,
He gave me a Venus witches ring
And he said fly on, fly on
Because I’m a voodoo chile, baby, voodoo chile

Well, I make love to you,
And Lord knows you’ll feel no pain
Say, I make love to you in your sleep,
And Lord knows you felt no pain
Have mercy!
cause I’m a million miles away
And at the same time I’m right here in your picture frame
Yeah! What did I say now
Cause I’m a voodoo chile
Lord knows I’m a voodoo chile

Well my arrows are made of desire
From far away as Jupiter’s sulfur mines
Say my arrows are made of desire, desire
From far away as Jupiter’s sulfur mines
Way down by the methane sea, yeah
I have a humming bird and it hums so loud,
You think you were losing your mind, hmm…

Well I float in liquid gardens
And Arizona new red sand
I float in liquid gardens
Way down in Arizona red sand

Well, I taste the honey from a flower named blue,
Way down in California
And the New York drowns as we hold hands

Cause I’m a voodoo chile
Lord knows I’m a voodoo chile
July 11th, 2008
Mai multe despre: Muzica
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